The court heard how a dog belonging to Kayleigh Shaw, 33, of McCormack Avenue, Parr was seized as a stray in February this year by St Helens Council’s Dog Welfare and Enforcement Service.
After reclaiming her dog from the service, Shaw was served with a notice under section 12(a) of the Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015 requiring her to update the dog’s microchip details within 21 days.
Shaw failed to comply despite being served with a ‘Final Opportunity to Comply’ notice, effectively giving a dog owner an extra seven days to meet the requirements of the legislation.
On Friday 16 August at the Liverpool, Knowsley and St Helens Magistrates Court, Shaw was fined £220, with costs of £80. She was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £30.
Councillor Lynn Clarke, Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, said: “This dog owner was given ample opportunity to comply with microchipping laws, but simply chose not to, resulting in these fines. It’s for the safety and security of dogs and the community that microchips are fitted and kept up to date if you move to a new house or change your phone number, and it’s an easy thing to do with your vet.”
It’s simple to update the details for your dog’s microchip. You can do it online, by phone or by post or with your vet, depending on which database your chip is registered to. Charges for updating your chip details vary across the microchip databases.
If you aren’t sure which UK microchip database your chip details are registered with, you can call any of the companies listed on our below and they will be able to tell you which company you need to contact:
- identibase 01904 487600
- PetIdentity UK 0800 9751960
- PetLog 01296 336579
- PETtrac 0800 652 8 977
- SmartTrace 01208 420999
- National Veterinary Database 0330 123 9924
- Protected Pet 0844 414 2262
- Animal Tracker 01279 219777